About US

Our Mission

Our organization is dedicated to fostering spiritual growth, personal transformation, and a robust sense of community. By uniquely blending modern educational techniques with ancient spiritual practices, Our Mission is to empower individuals to embark on their healing journey, ultimately becoming their own healers.

P.S.I.L.O. (sil-oh): Psychedelics. Sound. Integration. Love. Oneness.

Temple: Because temple is associated with the spiritual practices of our earliest ancestors and have been symbols of spirituality throughout our existence.


“To fathom hell or soar angelic, just take a pinch of psychedelic.” – Humphry Osmond

As a community, we believe in the intentional use of psychedelics for spiritual development, healing, and personal growth. For us, intentional use means using these substances with a clear and focused intention, whether it be for spiritual exploration, emotional healing, or to gain new perspectives and insights.

We consider these sacraments as a powerful tool for accessing deep parts of the self and experiencing transformative states of consciousness. We see psychedelics as a means of promoting individual and collective well-being, and as an opportunity for personal and spiritual growth.


“Sound healing is the art of tuning the body and soul to their optimal state, using the vibrations of sound to facilitate deep healing and restoration.” – Unknown

Sound healing has been used for centuries to promote well-being, with various forms of sound therapy treating a range of conditions. Today, it is gaining renewed interest as a natural way to reduce stress, improve sleep, and enhance overall health. By harnessing the power of sound, it offers a transformative journey towards balance and healing for both body and soul.


“The psychedelic experience is just the first step, the key is integrating the insights and realizations into your daily life.” – Terence McKenna

Integration is a crucial part of our practices. It helps us to sustain the positive changes and process the feelings that arise from our psychedelic experiences. By integrating these experiences into our daily lives, we can build new habits, shift negative thought patterns, and develop a deeper understanding of themselves and their place in the world. Through intentional reflection and integration practices, we can cultivate greater self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and a more fulfilling life experience.

We value the integration process as a means of maximizing the potential benefits of our psychedelic experiences and as a way to promote long-term personal growth, healing, and well-being.

Our goal is to provide our members with the tools and support you need to integrate your experiences in a meaningful and sustainable way, and to help you integrate newfound insights into your daily life to create positive and lasting change.


“I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality” -Maritn Luther King Jr.

Sound healing has been used for centuries to promote well-being, with various forms of sound therapy treating a range of conditions. Today, it is gaining renewed interest as a natural way to reduce stress, improve sleep, and enhance overall health. By harnessing the power of sound, it offers a transformative journey towards balance and healing for both body and soul.


“Oneness means that we are all related, that all of us are connected and dependent on one another.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

Our Team

I’m James Hin, a shamanic healer, ceremonial leader, Certified coach, addiction and integration coach and sound healing practitioner with a passion for helping others learn how to heal themselves and find happiness, gratitude and self-love. With over 8 years of experience in shamanic healing and 5 years working with visionary sacraments like psilocybin, I’ve developed a deep understanding of ancient medicines that has allowed me to guide hundreds of individuals through transformative journeys.

I offer group ceremonies, 1:1 private sessions, sound baths, leadership and executive development and integration support for harm reduction, education, and wellness. As a proud holder of a Master’s degree in psychology from the London School of Economics and a certified leadership coach from the University of San Diego, I bring a unique and well-rounded approach to my practice. I’m always learning—taking courses with the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, reading, researching, and traveling —to ensure I bring the best of the best to your healing journey.

Blending my background in psychology, experience in addiction recovery support, wisdom from shamanic mentors and guides, I’m here to help you navigate your spiritual healing journey. With a decade of experience in leadership development and coaching under my belt, I’m a skilled facilitator and speaker who knows how to build, assess, lead and manage teams for optimal performance.

My own life story is filled with ups and downs, including a time when I struggled with addiction and mental health. But I see those experiences as the training grounds for my true purpose—being a shamanic guide, ceremonial leader, coach, and psychedelic spiritual explorer.

 I also founded Grateful Shaman Company, Eugene Soundbath, and the Eugene Psychedelic Healing Community. 

  • Over 3,500 hours of individual and group sessions