Private 1:1 Ceremony

  • We have thoughtfully structured our private sessions to serve as a tranquil canvas, allowing you to immerse fully in your personal journey with the medicine. This individualized experience is at the heart of what we offer, providing you with a space to explore and reflect both before with your preparation session and after with your two follow-up integration sessions.
  • As you engage with the medicine, your ceremonial team of guides will bathe you in the healing power of sound healing frequencies. Drawing upon our experience gained through guiding over a thousand journeys, we are here to guide you in a genuinely transformative and enriching encounter.
  • To ensure a holistic journey, we offer a 4 week guided preparation process complemented by a 4 weekly integration coaching sessions in the weeks following your experience. This gentle approach aims to offer sustained support and guidance, fostering a richer understanding and integration of your profound experience.
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Understanding Sliding Scale Pricing

We believe in fairness, accessibility, and inclusivity which is why we have implemented a pricing system that adjusts according to individual income levels. Our intention is to ensure that our services are within everyone’s reach, regardless of their financial circumstances.

By setting prices proportionate to your earnings, we strive to prevent our services from becoming a financial burden while ensuring that they are accessible to anyone who requires them. This practice not only encourages a diverse range of economic backgrounds among our customers but also aligns with our fundamental values of equity and social fairness. Regardless of your contribution level, your support allows us to consistently deliver and enhance our services. We appreciate your understanding and participation in this system.